Wednesday 21 January 2015

Bewildered thoughts Meanwhile !

1. Nobody is bad in this world...only thing is the level of goodness differs 
(luckily level starts from 0,1...etc)

2. At times we get a feel we have taken this birth to payoff my last birth sins
 (sounds true isn't it :P )

3. In the book of life separation and death of a person can be quoted as 
OUT OF  SYLLABUS(not anymore physically )
PS :permanent separation 

4. Weird feeling:  Easy to die...Pretty tough to live
(some fairy come save me :P )

5. Knowledge is not directly or inversely proportional to your degree
 ( hey c'mon i am graduate i have knowledge  :P ..Maybe)

6. Common sense is pretty costly to afford it..
Even your education slips to help you.

7.Education is the progressive way to discover your ignorance.
Pretty true isn't ..
Thats why people tell you gotta study till the end and make sure  your ignorant 
for the rest of your life :P

8.Spending 80% of my life(w.r.t present age) in education i found whats not my interest by getting degree in that stream ... (should i be happy or sad ...confused yaar )