Saturday 25 October 2014

My brother !!

Losses may be different..feelings and pain are same !!

The day where everything seemed like dream ....

had a hope god did a prank to us ....

A call in early morning may 13th 2006 ... which took away everything.Yes they said you don't exists anymore.Is somebody doing a prank on us ? wish it was a prank ....

First time in your life you made mom and dad cry cz of "you" ... and that was your end of life too.
Seeing her lovely child whom she nurtured with lots of dreams,love,hopes is no more....
No words can explain mom's pain ....

What words of hopes i will say and pacify mom,dad ... i stood helpless ....In the house where we both grew together..where we shared happiness and love is filling with tears and sadness......

how did i gathered guts to see you lifeless ... i thought your sleeping in front me ...i was telling you to  open your eyes and get up...u didn't respond to the screams didn't never cheated me ... its our both responsibility to take care of our parents left it all with me ...

people patted my shoulder saying "You should be brave" ,"give courage to your parents " ...but how will i ?? though my pain is no way greater than parents pain..

Black day passed...filling darkness in all corners of our lives..

They say "We can see the love of people in their eyes"..tears rolled out from our eyes will tell you stories about our love..

Hereafter i am supposed to say i am the only daughter of our parents .. i felt dead ... it would have been better if you survived instead of me !!

Days passed...pain remained so fresh !!

Sleepless night ...
dreadful days...
Vanished dreams ...
Zero gravity life..

Never thought life would change so harder ...

I will be having "no home" after our parents ...

I will have no sister-in-laws ,no niece or nephew !!!

you will remain just as a photograph and stories to my kids ...

how will i show them your not a photograph or story ... your blood and soul to me...

i wish you was still there to witness our lives ...

I believe my brothers love will take a form and reach me ... it reached me .. i shall save it forever :)

" You may get a better sister than me..
Your the only best brother i can have forever "!!